Allison D.
Born and raised in Iowa, Allison grew up with horses and started at an early age to teach kids how to take care of, handle and work with horses; on their own farm and in summer camp. Later she studied Health and Fitness Management at Iowa State, where she also attained her Liberal Arts Degree. Her additional studies of dance and Nia Technique as well as massage therapy lead her to further teaching.
Some of her specialties include Asian modalities, such as Shiatsu (Japanese Massage), Traditional Thai Massage, Barefoot Bars Deep Tissue and Acupressure, while her western techniques center around the athletic aspect to body work, from stretching, clinical massage, orthopedic sports, and deep tissue, to myofascial release and therapeutic massage.
There is little that Allison doesn’t enjoy; yet her greatest passion lies in the art of dance, movement and rhythm. With an emphasis on ballroom and Latin partner dance Allison also practices and teaches a number of other styles, which promote ‘Isolation’, the movement of a single body part as opposed to whole body movement.
Her hands (and) feet perform as smoothly as in her dance, when she works with clients and students. Even her teaching style transmits flow and ease; and her joy, love and heart provide a presence that aids in resolving physical, mental and emotional stress. In that relaxation her clients and students gain awareness of their own rhythm and equilibrium.
Allison loves how blending touch, motion, sound and rhythm resonates with the human core, reviving its innate vibration, releasing tension and restoring health and happiness.
Comprehending weight distribution of muscles and joints during motion is key in her teaching to discover a body’s unique timing, sensitize body awareness and free creative expression.
Her skill, talent, experience and personality harmoniously blossom to inspire students, whether they learn Therapeutic Massage, SansHandsTM Flow, Shiatsu or any other modality.
Allison shares many of her special interests with her husband, a local musician and educator; and to no surprise, does she love people, community, local live music or African drumming. They both enjoy traveling and hope to explore the ‘rest’ of world for years to come.
Instructor: Therapeutic Massage Series, Dreamy Face Sequence
- Bachelor of Liberal Arts
- Humanities
- Communications
- Kinesiology
- Yoga Instructor
- Dance Instructor
- Massage Therapist since 2014