Excellence & Mastery Programs
Body Wisdom Massage Therapy School is today’s premier provider for state of the art training in body-centered therapies. Our teachings cover vetted traditional techniques from around the world, but also include the latest scientific approach to massage and bodywork. Going on a third decade of training highly qualified professionals we never stop striving for more.
Our Certificate of Excellence Program’s are designed for practitioners to stand out as experts, and let the public find the best massage therapists to suit their needs.
To cater to modern market demands applicants may select the content for their exact program of choice. Our counselors offer advice and assistants, and the career tracks may serve for inspiration as well.
Certificate of Excellence Programs start with a minimum of 200 hours, including internship clinics, while our two unsurpassed Mastery Levels consist of 500 plus hours each.
Anyone who has completed at least 600 clock hours of certified massage education or who holds a license to practice massage within any US state is eligible to apply for any Certificate of Excellence Program.
Certificate of Excellence Programs:
A Certificate of Excellence Program consists of at least 200 hours, including courses and a student clinic course. Program costs start at $3,518 for tuitions and course fees. Additional program hours may be added and are calculated by your choice of added courses.
To estimate any additional costs for an Excellence Program greater than 200 hours, please refer to the detailed cost break down per course on the Application Form for Certificate of Excellence or Mastery Programs pg. 2.
Mastery Programs:
A Mastery Program contains of 500 program hours including a student clinic course. We offer two such programs and differentiate them in two levels. Mastery Program Level 1 can be taken a stand-alone program. An optional Level 2 can be added at any time. The costs for a 500-Hour Mastery Program consist of $7,450 for tuitions plus material and supply fees, which start at $1,279 depending on your specific choice of courses. For detailed course fees please refer to the Application Form for Certificate of Excellence or Mastery Programs pg. 2.
How to Apply
You may schedule a consultation with one of our advisors or complete below form and submit it with all required items.
- G Kelley – 515-727-4890 – G.Kelley@bodywisdomschool.com